Use "arguments against|argument against" in a sentence

1. Its campaign against the euro, however, presented xenophobic arguments against further international economic integration.

2. There are countless arguments against this ridiculous proposal.

3. There are strong arguments for and against euthanasia.

4. 7 There are countless arguments against this ridiculous proposal.

5. 3 There are countless arguments against this ridiculous proposal.

6. There are two mutually exclusive arguments deployed against it.

7. This could be a persuasive argument against agency.

8. Democrats say arguments against the bill won't hold up.

9. The article simply echoed the NRA's arguments against gun control.

10. The doctors have set out their Arguments against the proposals

11. We have studied the arguments for and against nuclear energy.

12. 12 There are strong arguments for and against capital punishment.

13. Buts definition: an excuse or an argument against something:

14. The argument against nuclear power is an emotional one.

15. 7th century CE) advanced arguments against the existence of God.

16. What does Controvert mean? To raise arguments against; voice opposition to

17. Proast argued astutely, drawing upon St Augustine's arguments against the Donatists.

18. They actually put forward these arguments against the German unification project.

19. It is more an argument against inescapable facts about heredity itself!

20. Perhaps the Bawdiest argument against coffee was "The Womens [sic] Petition Against Coffee," published in England in 1674

21. 28 I was against it using arguments borrowed from seminars on nuclear nonproliferation.

22. Buttonless phones are gorgeous, but here are arguments against it - SlashGear Buttonless phones are gorgeous, but here are arguments against it JC Torres - Jan 25, 2019, 5:13am CST Meizu and Vivo

23. However, various arguments have been advanced against crediting most of the proverbs to Solomon.

24. Discusses the conflicting arguments for and against sustainable development, with particular reference to architecture.

25. One that can be misconstrued as a... as an argument against pregnancy termination.

26. Butler gave what have often been considered decisive arguments against the doctrine of psychological hedonism.

27. Here are some of the main arguments for and against the private property rights bill.

28. > Argument > Don't Amoralize your moral arguments

29. And that's actually one of the major arguments against letting gay men into the army.

30. 1. Argument, controversy, dispute imply the expression of opinions for and against some idea

31. Of course , the process involves debate and counter argument as new struggles against old .

32. 11 He sneers at the arguments against it: self-sufficiency and the tired old cultural card.

33. These arguments were later used by both PSA and AG in arbitration disputes against the GHA.

34. in writing. - UKIP accepts there are legitimate arguments about the death penalty, both for and against.

35. 30 I was against it using arguments borrowed from seminars on nuclear nonproliferation. It was hopeless.

36. A predicate and its Arguments form a predicate-argument structure.

37. Hamas's arguments against a resumption of American - brokered negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians are growing more vitriolic.

38. Though sustainability has become one of the biggest arguments against Almond milk, concern about thickeners used in …

39. One of the most effective arguments against unregulated laissez faire has been that it invariably leads to monopoly.

40. Honourable senators, I feel obliged to repudiate the arguments advanced against this bill last week in this chamber

41. In this argument against the existence of God presented by an atheist, an Atemporal mind this proposed

42. Accordingly, this argument cannot be upheld against the contested decision in the context of the present action.

43. Another argument against profit sharing is that employee effectiveness is not the only determinant of profit performance.

44. Counteracting Opposition Arguments If the YCJA had harsher punishments, many people would argue, or have complaints against the change

45. Therefore, the applicant’s arguments directed against the abstract interpretative passages found in the Board of Appeal’s reasoning are ineffective.

46. The arguments against Freud which have weighed most heavily with psychologists are those concerned with his theory's unscientific character.

47. The nature of assumptions Two preliminary points need to be made before setting out the argument against secularism.

48. The sombre narrative scintillates with brilliant sparks of thought as the flints of opposing arguments strike against one another .

49. Argument by Analogy in Thales and Anaximenes Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy, Bruce, M

50. It matches order against chaos, candor against Crypticism, and temperance against lunacy

51. Soullessness, in so far as it is relevant to the question at all, is an argument against vivisection .

52. RNG: How could a reasoned argument logically entail the ineffectiveness of reasoned arguments?

53. I'm going to use these two countries to make an economic argument for democracy, rather than against democracy.

54. The other argument deployed against the adversary politics thesis calls into doubt the relevance of the notion itself.

55. We are against exploitation, against the sale of babies, and against forced relinquishment.

56. The moral and religious arguments that Evarts used against the Indian Removal Act had later resonance in the abolitionism movement.

57. Interspersed in Kant's constructive argument on behalf of his version of natural religion are polemical thrusts against positive religion.

58. Cult Apologists generally chide or attack the anticult movement for using what they consider to be baseless arguments against cults (e.g

59. Most convection models predict that convection cells have similar horizontal and vertical dimensions, although arguments have been presented against this idea.

60. A Counterclaim is the argument (or one of the arguments) opposing your thesis statement

61. Classical Apologetic approach: (a simplified outline) Truth exists (objective reality can be known) God exists (classical arguments for God’s existence The Cosmological Argument; The Teleological Argument; The Moral Argument

62. And around the fortress is this vast field of taboo against premarital sex, against condoms, against abortion, against homosexuality, you name it.

63. Ajahn Amaro examines the arguments for and against the Arhat and bodhisattva ideals that define and too often divide the Buddhist traditions

64. The Coalesce function accepts two or more arguments and returns the first non-null argument

65. PHP supports passing Arguments by value (the default), passing by reference, and default argument values

66. They work against the clock and against the thermometer.

67. Freedom is pitted against slavery; lightness against the dark.

68. The Appellee’s answer brief arguments respond to the argument issues raised in the initial brief

69. Against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat - capitalism, and against capitalism.

70. The vote went against him/against accepting the plan.

71. It is against federal law to discriminate against blacks.

72. Men harden themselves against outer threats and against inner weaknesses, against the femininity that lurks in us.

73. But the death penalty is kept off the statute books by the one unanswerable and non-politically partisan argument against it.

74. The Coalesce function takes a number of arguments and returns the first non-NULL argument

75. The Coalesce() function accepts a number of arguments and returns the first non-NULL argument

76. Alpha-tocopherol shows broad-spectrum anti-microbial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli, against the Rifampicin-resistant, Isoniazid-resistant and multi-drugresistant strains of M tuberculosis, against Pseudomonas, against Staphylococci and against Escherichia coli.

77. A second school of argumentation investigates abstract arguments, where 'argument' is considered a primitive term, so no internal structure of arguments is taken on account.

78. Attacks against Alpha Assailants are similar to those against Assailants

79. Son set thy face against Zidon and prophesy against it.

80. 10 Against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat - capitalism, and against capitalism.